More than one billion people depend on wetlands for their livelihoods. However, despite their vital importance, these ecosystems are in grave danger: 64% have disappeared in the last century.
Aware of this issue, we joined forces with the International Convention on Wetlands (RAMSAR) to empower people in the protection of these valuable ecosystems.
Through the CEPA Program (Communication, Education, Awareness, and Participation) and our experience in strategic communication, we designed global impact advocacy kits that included:
Specialized communication and advocacy assets: Posters, infographics, social media content, and advocacy kits in three languages (English, French, and Spanish).
Rigorous scientific communication: We ensured the accuracy and effectiveness of the messages to raise awareness, sensitize, and educate.
Accessible resources: We provided final and editable files to adapt the materials to the different contexts and needs of the 192 parties to the Convention.
Our Impact
Our collaboration with RAMSAR has successfully amplified the reach of the CEPA Program and mobilized people worldwide in the conservation of wetlands.
Discover all the Tool Kits in three languages:

Empowering People for Wetland Conservation